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Sustainability Webring



#23 Mc Inroy Street, Curepe, Trinidad & Tobago





Wise Use of Natural Resources

Union Island Environmental Attackers – St Vincent and the Grenadines

Based on a request for assistance by the GEF Small Grants Programme for the Eastern Caribbean at UNDP Barbados, a field visit to Union Island was undertaken to assist the Union Island Environmental Attackers in the preparation of a Management Plan for Clifton Harbour. Consultation with key stakeholders led to the identification of the following objectives for the management plan:

  1. Increase stakeholder participation in the management of the harbour and regulation of activities
  2. Implement strategies to improve water quality and reduce pollution in the waters of Clifton Harbour.
  3. Encourage better waste management practices at Clifton through education and outreach.
  4. Improve enforcement of laws and also security arrangements for yachts and other vessels at the wharf.
  5. Preserve and protect the marine resources within the harbour. 
  6. Ensure and promote multiple use of the harbour.

The Union Island Environmental Attackers is an NGO that will lead the implementation of the management plan for Clifton Harbour.


Ministry of Planning, Housing and the Environment – Trinidad & Tobago

SUSTRUST provided review and comments on the draft protected Areas Policy following a request from the Environment Division of the Ministry. We felt that more policy analysis was needed to determine overlaps and failures that would guide the drafting of a more sensible and usable policy. The policy should have been structured to reflect the Convention on Biodiversity’s Decision VII/21 Programme of Work on Protected Areas, to which all Parties have agreed and are obligated to implement. Other comments were related to improving the clarity and consistency of the arguments in the draft document.


Mitigating The Threats of Invasive Alien Species in the Insular Caribbean

We continued to provide technical assistance to the project preparation phase of the GEF funded Mitigating the Threats of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in the Insular Caribbean. The project aims to establish an extensive framework addressing IAS that threaten aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and their biodiversity. It will build on existing national measures in the plant and animal health sector to strengthen capacity to address biodiversity concerns and to link to national and regional stakeholders. It will provide participating countries (Trinidad & Tobago, Bahamas, St Lucia, Dominican Republic, and Jamaica).  SUSTRUST is one of the co-sponsors of this project and formally provided a letter of support to the GEF Secretariat outlining that our focus will be: i) to assist in project development, implementation and evaluation in areas related to biodiversity and natural resources management; and ii) access to human resources in various disciplines throughout the Caribbean from our network of professionals.


Awareness Building

Video on Biodiversity Awareness Building - Anguilla

SUSTRUST provided technical assistance to the Environment Department of the Government of Anguilla, in the production of a video documentary entitled “Biodiversity is Our Business”. This documentary supported the awareness building in preparation of the launch of the Anguilla Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.


Survey of Protected Areas Personnel in the Caribbean

A survey of protected areas personnel in the Caribbean was undertaken to determine the core themes for awareness education and communication in Caribbean Protected Areas. The report on the findings of the survey was co-sponsored by IUCN WCPA Caribbean and is available in electronic form from our website at:  http://www.sustrust.org/documents/Protected Areas Education Themes in the Caribbean 2009-1.pdf

National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan – Anguilla

Discussions were initiated with the Government of Anguilla for the preparation of awareness materials in supdport of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. The details of SUSTRUST’s input will be worked out in early 2008.


Participation in Meetings/Workshops

We continue to be involved in the Sustainable Development Network (SDN), coordinated through the Cropper Foundation. The purpose of this Network is to create a mechanism through which civic society would seek to influence the process for planning for sustainable development and its implementation in Trinidad and Tobago, as well as to contribute to the approach and content of particular development proposals.  The goal of the Network is to achieve an approach to planning for the economic, environmental and social development of Trinidad and Tobago, that is holistic, inter-sectoral, inter-disciplinary, participatory and inclusive of a wide range of citizen interests.

We were active in several meetings of the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C), which were held during this period. The GWP-C is a working partnership among all stakeholders in water management in the archipelagic states and overseas territories of the Caribbean region including the countries of Belize, Guyana and Suriname. It is a network of partners for achieving an integrated approach to water resources management at the community, national and regional levels and it is the regional arm of the Global Water Partnership. The GWP-C is devoted to supporting Caribbean countries in the sustainable management of their water resources through the establishment of strategic alliances and the implementation of the appropriate actions.

We attended several national and international meetings and workshops. Below are a few of the key activities in which we participated:

  • IUCN Durban+5 Review Meeting, South Africa. Sponsored by the IUCN.
  • IUCN World Conservation Congress and Forum, Spain. Sponsored by the IUCN.
  • CABI Invasive Alien Species Caribbean Stakeholders Meeting, Trinidad & Tobago.
  • Regional Capacity Development Workshop for the Caribbean on national Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans, Mainstreaming of Biodiversity, and Integration of Climate Change, Trinidad & Tobago.
  • Regional Capacity Development Workshops for the Caribbean on Communication, Education and Public Awareness and Media Relations, Trinidad & Tobago.



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