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#23 Mc Inroy Street, Curepe, Trinidad & Tobago




Major Activities During The Period August 2004 – July 2005

People and the Northern Range Project

We continued our participation in the implementation of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment project entitled ‘People and the Northern Range’, led by The Cropper Foundation. The Trust is a co-sponsor and the Managing Director/President and the Programme Coordinator both sit on the Steering Committee. A presentation of the findings of the project were presented at workshop held during 8-10th November, 2004. The final project report was expected in September, 2005.

Technical Assistance

SUSTRUST facilitated a two-day strategic planning workshop (17-18th September, 2004) for the Environmental Awareness Group in Antigua. The purpose of the workshop was to:

  1. Assess the relevance and impacts of the EAG’s projects and programmes
  2. Identify and assess the impacts that external changes have on the organization
  3. Revise and agree on the roles, responsibilities, and commitments of the Council and staff of the EAG.

The key outcome was a report with appropriate corporate governance guidelines entitled “Capacity Building: programme relevance and governance”.

The Trust also conducted reviews of documents that were requested by colleagues through out the region. Some of these documents included project proposals, implementation plans and policy documents.

Participation in Meetings/Workshops

We have been involved in several national and international planning meetings and workshops, and in promoting The Trust For Sustainable Livelihoods. Below are a few of the key activities in which we participated:

  • Institute of Marine Affairs Research Symposium, Trinidad. The President presented a paper on management effectiveness on MPAs in Anguilla.
  • IUCN World Conservation Congress, Thailand. Sponsored by the IUCN.
  • Biosafety Policy Consultation, Trinidad.  Organised by the MPUE and the T&T Biosafety Committee.


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