Carribbean Weather

Caribbean Weather

Sustainability Webring



#23 Mc Inroy Street, Curepe, Trinidad & Tobago




Major Activities (2002-2003)

People and the Northern Range Project

Last year, the Trust participated in meetings with the Cropper Foundation to plan for the implementation of a project entitled ‘People and the Northern Range’. Earlier this year we became co-sponsors of this project together with several other agencies. The specific objectives of this Northern Range Project are:

  • To assess the current condition of the Northern Range as a result of the accumulated impact of various driving forces
  • To document and assess the economic value of the range of goods, services, livelihoods and amenities which it supports
  • To analyse likely impacts on its capacity to sustain these human benefits, given present patterns, pressures, and policies
  • To provide a decision-making framework and to identify strategy, policy and action that might effectively remedy, restore, and regulate these benefits in the future so as to sustain the integral functioning of the ecosystem and its contribution to the society
  • To facilitate selected communities in their efforts to ensure and enhance livelihoods which are dependent on use of materials and services offered by the ecosystem
  • To encourage the authorities to make use of the results of this assessment for management of the Northern Range and for generalised application to other similar ecosystems in the country 
  • To strengthen capacities of communities and Trinidad and Tobago institutions to maintain the cycle of monitoring and assessment of condition, trends and impacts on ecosystems generally.


The specific outputs are to:

  • Provide a documented account of the condition, trends and likely scenarios for the Northern Range and its environs based upon existing scientific literature and analysis of present policies, activities and forces which impact on the ecosystem
  • Produce a framework for decision-making about policy and management responses based on the analysis of condition, trends and likely scenarios
  • Document this exercise as a contribution to the global Millennium Ecosystem Assessment programme.


The Managing Director and the Programme Coordinator both sit on the Steering Committee for the People and the Northern Range Project. The Managing Director also serves as Co-chair of one of the four Working Groups of this project and the Programme Coordinator serves as a member in another working group.


Participation in Meetings

The Programme Coordinator and the Managing Director have been involved in several national and international planning meetings and workshops, and in promoting The Trust For Sustainable Livelihoods. Below are a few of the key activities in which we participated:

  • Caribbean Water Partnership Meeting (UNECLAC/Global Water Partnership), Tobago.
  • Regional Coordination Programme: Proposal for Marine Reserves in the Caribbean (IUCN/NOAA/TNC), Miami.
  • Caribbean Forest Monitoring Network Symposium (Smithsonion Institute/IITF), Puerto Rico
  • Consultation and review of the Water Resources Management Policy for Trinidad and Tobago (Water Resources Agency), Trinidad.
  • World Commission on Protected Areas (Caribbean), Planning Meeting, (IUCN/WCPA), The Bahamas.


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